Take 20% off your ESA letter with free shipping! Fast approvals within 48 hours

ESA Letter

ESA Letter


Ally Pets understands the critical need for quick access to emotional support animals, offering ESA letters with approval times of 48 hours or less. This efficient service ensures you can maintain the comforting presence of your support animal without delay or stress. Our process includes a comprehensive intake visit for either a dog or cat, ensuring your application is tailored to your individual needs. You can opt for our flexible payment options, choosing a one-time fee of $199 per ESA letter request or secure the peace of mind of lifelong support with a $599 lifetime package for your designated pet. 

This service alleviates the common frustrations of prolonged waits, giving you the assurance of compliance with the Fair Housing Act and ADA regulations. Elevate your emotional support experience today. Act now to secure your ESA letter swiftly and continue enjoying uninterrupted support.

Get In Touch

Discover how our swift ESA solutions can transform your lifestyle. Share your questions or feedback, and let us guide you towards meaningful emotional support for peace of mind.